- Getting up just half an hour earlier makes such a difference to my day. I get the time to take a bath and get ready for office before the driving class. So I'm ready really early, and even though I take the time out to visit Kaka and drop a package at his place, I'm still earlier than I usually am in office...
- Getting 90% ticks on my To Do list :-)
- The cook has washed the sabudana (sago) for making khichdi tomorrow. I think nothing of it till mum mentions that its MahaShivratri tomorrow and asks me if I'm going to observe a fast (for the uninitiated, our fasts are not really fasts. Far from it! We're allowed certain foods, and we turn them into feasts!). That's when the sabudana khichdi suddenly clicks!
49 minutes ago
Great! You were earlier by 30 minutes today, and with a wee sacrifice, it will be 45 tomorrow, and 60 the next day and so on...and then, when you reach a comfortable state before stretching yourself too much - you'll see the early morning sun, dewdrops...and yeah, the air is definitely freshest early in the morning. (A little tip here: Do not completely draw the curtains in your bedroom...leave it a little open, so you have the first rays of the sun waking you up... :-) )
I am, yet again, proud of you :-)
:-) Alright.. now don't start egging me to reach office at 7:30 in the morning! If I CAN get myself to wake up that early, I'll start exercising... But yeah, the morning air is the freshest, and nothing wakes one up like being out in the morning...
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