- Being in an overdrive all day, in anticipation for the evening. My mind works on two levels - on one, I'm working fast, getting things done and on the other, I'm going giddy waiting for the evening. And finally, as evening draws near, the second mind takes over, and I can barely be still...
- Mom calls to say that though they couldn't be here with me today to share my very special moment, but I was to remember that they're with me, and are so so proud! I could've jumped with joy then... and I think I did...
- The first glimpse of my car, sparkling in all its splendour... and running my hand along it for the first time. And then getting behind the wheel and bringing the baby home...
- Feeling giddy once I sit down to think and the feeling of finally having my car - my first car, starts to sink in...
49 minutes ago
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