Monday, August 17, 2009

Vacation plans, Getting my wind back and Talk with us

  1. We all sit over tea to discuss Kashmir plans - how we are travelling, what all we should carry. There's plenty to be thought of and as always before a vacation, there's that feeling of excitement and anticipation.
  2. I go for a long walk with mom and dad and I'm so thrilled that I'm not tired later on. Its a sure sign of recovery and the feeling of energy is so welcome.
  3. I'm on the phone for a long time. Finally dad says "Oh c'mon! You'll meet him tomorrow. Talk with us now."


an autumn leaf for all seasons said...

Life ain't that bad!! Life is GOOOOOD, eh?! ;-)

Aditi Sodhi said...

Ahhh, long phone conversations and even longer phone bills :). I miss those days.

Rashmi said...

He he... well, the long phone calls are a rarity, but yes, they're fun. The phone bills, thankfully are shorter than ever!

D Naruka said...

Visiting your blog after a bit of a gap. Your post reminded me of home too!