- Puranpoli for breakfast! Mum has sent puranpolis with Veena Maushi. They're worthy of a king's breakfast table...
- Stafford visits us at work, and the amount of noise he makes is unbelievable! Its good to hear his familiar laugh ringing across the room. I can't believe I've worked diligently so that I'd have free time when he comes! And i'm not disappointed - he's just as insane as ever!
- Receiving ready help from a senior just when I most need it!
15 minutes ago
Looking forward to meeting someone is a good motivation to work diligently...
...Personally speaking I need such motivations to get through some days...Some motivations for me are 1.Lovely weather...if I complete this wireframe, I will go out and have coffee sitting under the Gulmohur tree,
2.Crappy Meeting...will get some time to sketch or draw caricatures if I complete the task and have nothing to talk about...
or sometimes it can be...I don't have anything to talk about because I haven't started on the task...In both cases I win because I can still sketch and cartoon people!
What gets you through the day?
Come to think of it, there's mostly only one thing that gets me through the day - the promise of meeting someone at the end of the day... otherwise, it doesn't matter, I guess, whether I'm in office or at home! Pathetic, but true!
Wednesdays are the easiest - I've long forgotten the past weekend's fun, and the next weekend is still too far to really interfere with the day... so I can just plod on without nostalgia or longing!
Yes you are so true about Wednesdays...
...My motivation for working today is I want to complete work on one project and plunge headlong into one that I am really interested in and even people value my suggestions!
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