- Wednesday was a holiday. A holiday bang in the middle of the week makes the week a very easy one. Two days of work, a day off, two days of work again and then the weekend - friday feels like a tuesday, and saturday and sunday are extra special, because they are not spent in recharging in recuperating, but in having fun.
- After much confusion (don't even bother to ask me what...) I finally get Veena Maushi home from the station. The remainder of the day, we just can't stop talking... there's so much to discuss and narrate... Pallu turns up later on and then the three of us head to Laxmi road to shop... need I say more?
- The Blue Umbrella. A very very refreshing film, made on Ruskin Bond's story. The characters are all very interesting, the story line very simple, no masala... yet the movie touches a chord somewhere through its simplicity, and I find myself involved in little Biniya and her blue umbrella... A special mention must be made of the riveting camera-work.
30 minutes ago
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