- Its a normal work-day. The clock creeps to 5 p.m. like it does everyday. Everyone is going about his or her work like usual. And then someone says, "Hey! Its raining!" Its hard to explain the kind of galvanizing effect this one statement has on everyone. People keep going to out for walks (let's go watch the rain) or running to the window. There's a palpable change in the mood of the moment.
- We go out to enjoy the changed weather. It's suddenly turned quite chilly and there are strong gusts of wind. There's been a shower before, and though it's not raining at the moment, the air is wet and smells divine. After struggling for a while, I finally give up and let my hair fly higgelldy piggeldy...
- After dinner I bite into one of the large juicy alphonso mangoes I bought yesterday. Its a messy job, becuase I refuse to eat it in a civilized way cutting it with a knife... I just peel off the skin by tearing it off, and bite into the whole ripe fruit... believe me, there isn't a more satisfying way of eating a mango that this... and I'm going to do it everyday for 5 more days! yay!
24 minutes ago
I once heard (and I can't remember who the quote was by) that the only way to eat a mango without getting in a mess was to stand naked in a bucket.
Sounds like this would be even more true for you!
:-) it was Douglas Adams who said that... and he was quite right!
Ah, of course!
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