- Having friends that support you and don't let you fall... Why did this suddenly dawn on me today? Well, can't really state that here, but if any of my friends (they that know why I'm saying this) are reading this, I'd appreciate a 'yo' in the comments...
- My parents are getting savvy enough to try and search for rail reservation availibility on the net on their own, albeit with some help from me over the phone. Just the fact that they even want to try to do it makes me happy, 'coz its some positive progress in overcoming their do-it-yourself-on-the-internet-phobia.
- Wearing my new smart and sexy red shoes. They look ultra stylish with their closed pointy toes and their high-enough-to-be-sexy-but-low-enough-to-allow-me-to-not-topple-over heels and I can smirk away.
2 days ago
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