- YoMo a.k.a Yo Monkey, a little stuffed monkey wearing a tiger-striped jacket with a hood, who hangs from a hook near my desk is a source of much joy. We picked him up at Big Bazar when we went to get a gift for Kaushik... and Dharana has been thretening to abduct him ever since. Incidentally, she's behind his christening too - 'he's so Yo! with the hood, he'll start rappin any moment' is the explanation that has been given...
- Now's The Time. I've been following Joe's blog ever since I started writing my own 3BTs, but somehow never mentioned him here. Today, when I catch up with his posts after having slipped on reading his blog for nearly 10 days, I rediscover my reasons for loving his blog - the rich variety of things he always has to write about, the very different culutre and life style that I get to peep into, and if I may be so bold as to say this - a strange bond that binds two so vastly different people, separated by continents and age into something akin to friendship. I again scroll down to read what he has to say in about himself - 'I was a journalist but now spend more time writing poetry and growing vegetables.' - and I'm first struck by the seeming incongruity between writing poetry and growing vegetables, and then I wonder if both aren't inherently forms of creating something and nurturing something....
- An email gives me a fresh perspective on success - 'success may be waiting just round the corner'. I'm told, that success will come to he that will dare to turn the corner, deviating from the straight and trodden path, onto a mysterious and unknown way, with courage. And soon, even the corners which earlier slowed him down will give him the winning edge, while the others, who stuck to the beaten 'straight' path will be left far behind. Funny. I somehow always took this phrase to mean that success was lurking around the corner, hiding from sight, waiting to pounce on me. All I had to do was manage to keep walking... but now I must turn around corners too??
2 days ago
Good...you are back again...
...Now that I have read your post, I understand why I too like reading Joe's blog every morning...I should let him know that sometime...
Your blog too gives me the same pleasure...It is one of the two blogs I start my day with....Sometime, later in the day, when I need to refresh myself and give my brain a mental kick to start thinking, I write my blog...
Two sources of pleasure...even when the sun is not shining brightly...
:) This is a great way to start a day.. with compliments! Thanks!
And why exactly have you stopped updating your blog??
work..these days i have to work :(
How flattering and rewarding to know that you are reading Now's the Time. Sometimes I think I just do it for the sake of doing it. But it is truly wonderful to know that your friends, old and new, read it.
Not only do they read it, but also love it...
And I do believe 3BT is the only thing I'd continue writing, even if no one was reading.
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