- I finally finish all the documentation for the car! whew! and for the travel... another whew!
- A mad pool side party which ends as every proper pool side party should - with some people jumping into the pool fully clothed, and the others cheering them on...
- Listening to Gulzar's songs... he's God! At the end of a mad day where I've run from pillar to post from morning till evening and then attended a boistrous and loud party, listening to his songs calms me down and puts me into a different mood altogether - quiet and somewhat whimsical. The imagery he creates with his lyrics touches something inside me...
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Two ticks, splash and the God of words...
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Dance with me, net-savvy and Has It!
- The mindblowing dance sequences in Dance With Me. The plot is nothing to write home about, but the dances...! My eyes have trouble following the dancers as they fluidly and furiously move. It seems impossible that two people can move with such grace, synch, and speed, but they do! And the result is spectacular....
- Mum is becoming net-savvy! Her emails pop up in the middle of the day, these days. Today she writes to tell me that my pictures from Ganpatipule have come out beautifuland that my grandmother loved them too..
- I love my new jeans! The fabric has lycra so that it stretches and is soooo very comfortable!
Sitting insured by the rains
There are some says - where nothing really happens and you are so happy about that. Today was one such day.
1. Sit down and try to look active
That's all I did today :)
2. I am insured
After days of follow up I get my long due insurance card. Thank God I can now fall sick and be relieved about it.
3. The Rain Song
The music, the progression, the lyrics...gets me thinking... really good song. Led Zeppelin is synonymous with greatness. Plant thought it was his best vocal performance. I don't know about that... I am not qualified to put him on any scale. I don't think anybody is, except he himself maybe. It is a love ballad and George Harrison supposedly had asked them why they don't write any ballads. It is believed to be the inspiration behind this song. You don't have to be a rock music lover to love this song. Just listen to it. It is pure genius !
Live YouTube
Studio Version

It is the springtime of my loving - the second season I am to know
You are the sunlight in my growing - so little warmth I've felt before.
It isn't hard to feel me glowing - I watched the fire that grew so low.
It is the summer of my smiles - flee from me Keepers of the Gloom.
Speak to me only with your eyes. It is to you I give this tune.
Ain't so hard to recognize - These things are clear to all from
time to time.
Talk Talk - I've felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go. I cursed the gloom that set upon us...
But I know that I love you so
These are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion - I seek the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall...It's just a little rain...
1. Sit down and try to look active
That's all I did today :)
2. I am insured
After days of follow up I get my long due insurance card. Thank God I can now fall sick and be relieved about it.
3. The Rain Song
The music, the progression, the lyrics...gets me thinking... really good song. Led Zeppelin is synonymous with greatness. Plant thought it was his best vocal performance. I don't know about that... I am not qualified to put him on any scale. I don't think anybody is, except he himself maybe. It is a love ballad and George Harrison supposedly had asked them why they don't write any ballads. It is believed to be the inspiration behind this song. You don't have to be a rock music lover to love this song. Just listen to it. It is pure genius !
Live YouTube
Studio Version

It is the springtime of my loving - the second season I am to know
You are the sunlight in my growing - so little warmth I've felt before.
It isn't hard to feel me glowing - I watched the fire that grew so low.
It is the summer of my smiles - flee from me Keepers of the Gloom.
Speak to me only with your eyes. It is to you I give this tune.
Ain't so hard to recognize - These things are clear to all from
time to time.
Talk Talk - I've felt the coldness of my winter
I never thought it would ever go. I cursed the gloom that set upon us...
But I know that I love you so
These are the seasons of emotion and like the winds they rise and fall
This is the wonder of devotion - I seek the torch we all must hold.
This is the mystery of the quotient - Upon us all a little rain must fall...It's just a little rain...
Monday, February 25, 2008
Healthy, that 70's show and wisp
- No junk food all day!
- I finally wear my broad 70's style hairband with the new brown top (its been awaiting it's turn for a couple of months now). It's spiffy! And it also generates a lot of comment of varied nature, but the gist is that I'm looking 'nice'.
- A day so busy that I haven't many moments to breathe, but at the end of the day, I'm not tired. Imagine walking on a hot day, without stopping. You go on without a thought, intent only walking and then suddenly a wisp of cool breeze gently and unexpectedly touches you. Something like that happened today. The wisp disappeared, but it's memory lingered, and so did the smile it brought, and I walked on with an added spring to my step...
Strange rays of jazz stoping and spilling the musical coffee

Back again!
1. Dr Strangelove
WOW wow wow wow wow ... anybody sucker for dark comedies ? Pick this one up...it reminded me of Catch 22 and that being my favorite book- you know how much I loved this movie!
Peter Sellers is totally hilarious! and so is George C Scott. Undoubtedly Kubrick's best.
2. Juno again
I loved this movie so much - I decide I should give company to an office friend and ended up watching it again. It wins a well deserved - best original screenplay award :) I am so happy to heard that!!!
3. Jazz
We roam around East Village and on instinct enter a church playing live Jazz. It turns out to be awesome. The quality of vocals wasn't the greatest, but the music was really soothing.
4. Stomp

After a long time I get to see something really creative and inventive. They use ordinary objects (sink, trash can, broom, pipes, cans, newspaper, plastic forms etc) to create amazing music. And it turns out that tickets are cheap for that particular show. Extra bonus :) This one too we didn't plan- just landed up on instinct.
They are funny, witty and charming. They are categorized as 'percussive physical theater dance troupe'. What ever that means!
5. House
I just can't get over it. I watch 2-3 episodes at a strech, whenever i DO. Sort of innovative medical investigative serial about a maveric doctor and his unconventional methods of solving really complicated cases.
6. Starbucks!
I confess ... I am a hardcore Starbucks fan now. land up at the cafe 4-5 times a week minimum.
7. Charulata, Ray and more
I suddenly find myself leaning back into some bengali movies and songs. I find some eager minds who want to know more. 'Aami chini go chini' is like an anthem to all bengalis, I have no problem in giving them the a flavor of the meaning and situation. I gladly also extend my discussionsto other bengali movies of Ray (Apu's trilogy etc) and one kick ass movie called 'Teen bhubaner paare' (I just can't stop showering praises for this movie). Subhrangshu got me this one. Boy, am I grateful to him for that or what! :)
Infact he has to an extent introduced to great bengali cinema. Thanks dude!
8. Ami chini go chini
I am not qualified even to the minutest extent to talk about Rabindra Sangit. I will skip that completely. This is the beautiful song from the movie Charulata (my favorite Ray movie):-
YouTube video

Ami chini go chini tomare o go videshini
Tumi thaako shindhu paare o go videshiniDekhechi sharodo-praate tomar
Dekhechi madhobi-raate tomar
Dekhechi hride majhare
O go videshiniAmi aakashe patiya kaan
Sunechi sunechi tomare gaan
Ami tomare sopechi praan
O go videshiniBhubhon bhramiya sheshe
Ami ayeshechi nooton deshe
Ami otithi tomare daare
O go videshiniAmi chini go chini tomare
O go videshini.
(this last O go videshini, is sung in the movie as "O bo thakurani")
Meaning (quite a crude one, but never the less a literal conversion of words):-
I know you, know you o lady from foreign land You live across the ocean o lady from foreign land
I have seen you on autumn mornings
I have seen you on Madhavi nights
I have seen you in the middle of (my) heart
O lady from foreign land
I have turned my ears to the sky
And have heard your singing
I have offered my soul to you
O lady from foreign land
After traveling around the world
I have come to a new country
I am a guest at your door
O lady from foreign land
Visitor, happiness on sale and on call
- Rashmi (the other one) lands up at my place in the afternoon. There's so much to talk! She's excited about the stuff life's made of... And of course, we decide to head for some shopping!
- The Happiness Sale!! I've never seen a sale so appropriately named! I finally find a pair of jeans (on sale!) that I can wear without baring half my bum... I also find the elusive brown top I've spent the entire winter hunting for - and on that I can pick up another one free (yay! for buy 1 get 1 free)... the shopping is rounded off with a pair of pretty silver sandals. Perfect.
- A happy happy chat with Tanmoy. He's making plans for spending his Sunday in NY and we're hunting for old Gurudutt songs together. Hurrah for Skype!
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Protection, luscious and summer's here
- I finally remember to use the rubber gloves I'd bought, while washing the cups. They keep my hands clean and dry, and I don't have to apply moisturizer again after having played around in soap-water.
- Luscious looking strawberrys that taste as marvellous as they look!
- We herald the begining of summer with the first first ice cream of the season at Naturals. I remember last summer, when we used to head to Naturals almost thrice a week after dinner for ice-cream...
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Breakfast adventures, rainbow at my feet and war!
- Kris tells me there's one last idli left, if I fancy it, for breakfast. I do, so I rush to the pantry, to find it gone. To top it, both the vending machines are out of coffee. Disheartened, I settle for an apple, while Dharana goes exploring. Moments later, she returns with one idli on a paper plate with chutney on the side...
- In front of Tower 2, on the podium, loads of petunia shrubs are in flower, bordering the lawns... the riot of colours looks like a rainbow at my feet.
- 'Drama Queen' and 'High priestess of emotional blackmail' are two epithets bestowed upon me by Shenoy. You do realize this is nothing short of a declaration of war, don't you Shenoy? No mercy will be shown hence forth.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Lazy, cool and steam
- An easy, relaxed day at work. At my first weekly status meeting with the new team, everyone seems a lot more interested in discussing when and where to have a dinner party than anything else...
- As I leave for home, I'm greeted by a cool fresh evening, which promises a pleasant drive. My first thought as a I step out into the open is a smile.
- I vent out steam about something that has been bothering me and feel a lot better.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Sony sounds, smooth and gripes
- Jui is super excited about the new Sony music system she's bought for herself. Her long standing dream of owning one, and being able to listen to quality sound at home has finally come true. Proud of you, sis!
- Kris is surprisingly quick in taking a hint. He starts to say something and I say something indicating that now's not a great time to be saying it. He changes his statement, mid-sentence without batting an eyelid. Well... considering it was Kris, maybe I shouldn't say it's surprising.
- Bitching to Aparna about all and sundry. Ahhh... there are few things more satisfying than bitching with a trusted friend.
Liberation, home decor and sizzlers
- Waking up without a headache. For two whole days previously, my head has ached almost continuously, leaving me dull and cranky. As the day progresses today, I keep marvelling at how liberated I feel because the headache is gone.
- The home decor stuff at Life Style. I can so not wait to buy my own house and decorate it...!
- A new sizzler joint right here in Kalyaninagar... it's quite crowded and small, but the service there is pretty fast and the sizzlers are nice. Even the crowd there is quite hep, so it has a very lively and cheerful feel to it.
Monday, February 11, 2008
The Kiss of Jazz!
1. Long Time!
I get together with some one from my old office after a long time. Doesn't like time, has passed by.
2. 'Touch'
I try out John Klemmer's Touch. It is smooooooth! He is a gifted saxophonist and Jazz composer. I plan to get more of his stuff.
3. Nat King

I get hold of his Tri Recordings Vol1. Wow!!
I am so so hooked on it. Got it on my player now, while writing this.
3. Besame Mucho
It means 'kiss me a lot'. It is a mexican song written in 1940 by Consuelo Velázquez before her sixteenth birthday. According to Velázquez, she wrote this song even though she had never been kissed yet at the time. It has since become an anthem sung by 100s of artists over decades. Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, Nat King Cole (among the English versions). It was recently sung by Sanjaya Malakar in American Idol. Andrea Bocelli also has a famous version. I will post a few versions. Bocelli's version would be in Spanish.
Nat King Cole
Andrea Bocelli
Frank Sinatra
Sanjaya Malakar in American Idol
I get together with some one from my old office after a long time. Doesn't like time, has passed by.
2. 'Touch'
I try out John Klemmer's Touch. It is smooooooth! He is a gifted saxophonist and Jazz composer. I plan to get more of his stuff.
3. Nat King

I get hold of his Tri Recordings Vol1. Wow!!
I am so so hooked on it. Got it on my player now, while writing this.
3. Besame Mucho
It means 'kiss me a lot'. It is a mexican song written in 1940 by Consuelo Velázquez before her sixteenth birthday. According to Velázquez, she wrote this song even though she had never been kissed yet at the time. It has since become an anthem sung by 100s of artists over decades. Frank Sinatra, The Beatles, Nat King Cole (among the English versions). It was recently sung by Sanjaya Malakar in American Idol. Andrea Bocelli also has a famous version. I will post a few versions. Bocelli's version would be in Spanish.
Nat King Cole
Andrea Bocelli
Frank Sinatra
Sanjaya Malakar in American Idol
Besame, besame mucho,
Each time I cling to your kiss, I hear music divine,
Besame mucho,
Hold me my darling and say that you'll always be mine.
This joy is something new, my arms enfolding you,
Never knew this thrill before.
Whoever thought I'll be holding you close to me,
Whispering it's you I adore.
Dearest one, if you should leave me,
Each little dream would take wing and my life would be through,
Besame mucho, love me forever and make all my dreams come true..
Besame, besame mucho,
Como si fuera esta noche la ultima vez.
Besame, besame mucho,
Que tengo miedo tenerte y perderte depues.
Quiero tenerte muy cerca mirarme en tus ojos estar junto de ti.
Pienso que tal vez ma¤ana estarte muy lejos muy lejos de ti.
Besame, besame mucho,
Como si fuera esta noche la ultima vez.
Besame, besame mucho,
Que tengo miedo tenerte y perderte despues.
Thursday, February 07, 2008
Wanderlust, tailor-made and warm
- Shenoy takes out some time and helps me plan the Karnataka trip. As the plan unfolds, it looks more and more exciting. We'll go from Pune to Gokarna, Murudeshwar, Maravante, Karkal, Kaup beach, Udupi, Mangalore and then back. All of this in 3 1/2 days! Whew!
- I find a tailor who'll hopefully stitch my salwar kameezes well. As I talk to him about the patterns and he takes measurements, I have this feeling that this man knows his business, and I'm satisfied. And I'll have two new dresses next thursday!
- Coming to a warm and cozy home from a bitingly cold night, and then taking a hot shower... warmth slowly fills me up and makes me drowsy
Ready, writing and Google
- A very dear friend (identity concealed to protect privavcy) sends an email saying she had a pregnancy scare, but ended up being disappointed when the test was negative. She's happy she's ready to take the next step, and I'm happy her...
- Its a day of good reading... First, Tanmoy sends a poem he has written, that conjures up a beautiful picture in front of my eyes. And then Soumitra sends me one of his stories, and I'm quite impressed. Being around these guys can be quite a treat at times :-)
- Google Story. As I progress through it, I marvel at how this one brand has touched our lives.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Driving, expedition and egg bhurjee
- My second driving lesson. The instructor takes me on a crowded road, and I don't panic. In fact, I drive through the mess without any incident. I'm so proud of myself!
- A very fruitful shopping expedition with Shenoy and Pallu. It's one of those days when you actually like a lot of stuff, and get good bargains too. And not only that, Shenoy finds in himself, the fortitude to endure the shopping (yes, he hates it, even though it's for his own wedding...)
- I whip up some egg bhurjee for dinner. On a whim, I add chicken masala to it... and its yummm
Monday, February 04, 2008
Rise and shine, car plans and lucky girl
- After a very restful sleep, I wake up fresh... not very early, but when I wake up, I'm awake.
- Everyone has an opinion about what the colour of my car should be. And there's a lot of discussion about who gets to drive it when it arrives, who gets to just sit in it, and who is not even allowed close to it...
- I realize, once again, how lucky I am...
Saturday, February 02, 2008
Crisp, Superest and warm feet
- As I open the balcony door, the crisp cold air hits my face and as I take it in, the hesitant morning sunlight attempts to warm my cheeks.
- The Superest. They're just mind-blowing super brilliant. If you haven't see this before, do start from the first hero.
- Remembering to wrap a shawl around my knees as I sit down in front of the PC, so that i'm warm and snug and can surf and chat and blog uninterrupted...
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