- I call up Anna for some work and we get to chatting. She wants to know if I'm married and have kids. I tell her no, and she sounds pretty surprised when she finds out I'm only 25... perhaps she was expecting someone older. Her surprise increases when I tell her I drive a two-wheeler. "You drive a bike??!!" I hasten to tell her to remove any pictures of Harley-Davidsons that she may have in her mind and replace them with 'scooter' instead.
- I go to buy the famous beaded chappals that you get in Koregaon Park for Jui... I pick up additional two pairs for Saili and Manali and then think - 'What the heck!' and buy a pair for myself too... I think I just bought my 20th pair of footwear yesterday (I'm counting only the ones that are currently in use). Maybe its time I took inventory!
- Being told its ok to find a second grey hair...
5 hours ago
Osho chappals...I remember the sellers cooing out loud "Jodi Sattar...Jodi Sattar..."
Is it still Sixty for a pair?
Hmmm...my feet are longing for one... :-(
Sattar, btw, means 70, not 60...
and I think u now get the proper matted Osho chappals for only 50 bucks a pair.. but the beaded, fancy ones are for 100 a pair... (after bargaining, of course!)
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