I don't know why I am tempted to write this as a BT. It was lunch time and I hadn't got any lunch from home. So, I decided to ask a colleague - 'What's the best way to have a veg sub at Subway?'
Now that i think of that moment, I tell myself - 'I should be more attentive'.
Anyway, I did order and got my prized lunch (haven't eaten anything for breakfast and the chilly winds I had to cross to get my lunch ..."this better be good").
More than eager to eat- I started with a big bite. Something seemed to be wrong. But then I have a problem. The nerve ends at the end of my taste buds are a bunch of lazy bums. They never seem to convey the message fast enough. Either there is an issue with competency or the technology used by God in my 'taste' area - was outdated.
Whatever the case may actually be...I kept eating (big bites followed). There should be a feedback system actually from the taste nerve center to the stomach nerve workers association - STOP giving the poor guy Hungry signals!! This doesn't seem to be good enough to be even called- 'bad'. But alas, it did not happen- and me in my hunger ate the whole thing.
Eventually the Taste buds did write to me - 'Well Sir ...as you can see ...there may have been a slight mishap- the signal line was overloaded by the stomach workers association and they wouldn't let us in...and then they had this special letter of recommendation... highlighting - no breakfast ...EAT fast...so Sir you see - it was not exactly our ...."
On further investigation it was revealed, that the whole problem started when my dumb ears failed to listen to my colleague - "Be careful... they put a lot of sauce, if you don't tell them specifically" ...and they didn't inform the Eye Alert Force... and as always - my eyes were busy absorbing the beautiful beings around me.
And because it was unknowingly a sacrifice to appreciate beauty - this turned out to be a BT.
2. Get Out!
I decided - enough was enough. I am human- I don't have to be careful about work all the time. I can be foolish and hence I can go back home (and not feel guilty till monday). So I just walked out early (quite early actually). The Mp3 player singing in my ears ...I have a wicked smile ...la la la ...la la... :-)
3. Not Funny at all but not quite Bad
For the first time - I come home really early and my dear roomie has locked me out. He is not going to be back for the next 4-5 hours. It was not funny. It was cold - I was hungry - had been thinking of heating something and eating. Actually the problem is - my Roomie - Mr. Sanket Kudav hasn't had the time and significantly strong emotional drive to get a copy of my keys (which are missing their original owner now, I am sure) made - for the last TWO damn months!!!
Any way, i thought for a moment and then called an old friend - to check if she or her husband were home. As it turned out - they were. I was relieved. I went there- and got the much needed attention and care. They are really sweet- totally lovable. We have like a millions of topics to discuss and fight on. After being fed properly - emotionally and 'stomachly', I went back home. I didn't have to cook - as I was full :-)
So it was actually good that I went there. We made some weekend plans, which seemed to be perfect with my plans - of not having a exhausting time.
4. 'Fake Plastic Trees'
There is something about the English, that is not there anywhere in the World. No, I am not kidding about their bla bla bla 'stuck up' bla bla bla ...all that. I am talking about - their Music and Literature. Boy, they have the best blood running in them, as far as these two things are concerned (Please, lets not discuss other things like sport or Wars etc.- the discussion invariably will go to a different plane)
Radiohead is what I am going to talk about. They are a 21 year old English rock band. I used to like them, but never quite understood them until a few years back. I used like their singles like - Creep and Karma Police. It used to play in the bars and pubs quite often, and everybody like it (and so did I).
The thing with Radiohead is - they are pretty much original and they have been in the overlap of a lot influences their career- guitar-driven rock, electronic, some mix of Jazz. Heavy and most of the times quite not so obvious lyrics. Thom Yorke - the lead vocals, has a unique Falsetto. His voice is as different as Radiohead's music. He seems to just get lost in the song. He doesn't sing it - he lives in it, just like Robert Plant (Led Zepplin). I know not a fair comparison- but the guy is really talented and has unique style of singing. Ok, lets take Chris Martin (Coldplay) as an example. This is a more fair.
"Fake Plastic Trees" is often seen as a turning point in the band's early career. It is also placed at #376 on Rolling Stone magazine's list of The 500 Greatest Songs Of All Time.
There are a few songs, which lift your spirits. This is not one of them. There songs in which you find comfort, like a cover over you - protecting you, when you are in a particular state of mind. This is not one of them. For me, this is one of those weird songs - that pushes me to write. It brings you back images - of days like ... when you were walking down a lonely street and thought ..."Maybe I will write about it sometime". What did I think I will write about - a torn white plastic bag. It was floating around in the street. There was nobody there, except me and to watch it float in the winds.
I wrote Insignificance after listening to this song. There was this unfulfilled need and restlessness- to write about that plastic bag. After I did, I was at peace with the song and could enjoy it normally.
Here are the lyrics and the Video:-
YouTube Video

Her green plastic watering can
For her fake chinese rubber plant
In fake plastic earth.
That she bought from a rubber man
In a town full of rubber plants
Just to get rid of itself.
And it wears her out, it wears her out
It wears her out, it wears her out.
She lives with a broken man
A cracked polystyrene man
Who just crumbles and burns.
He used to do surgery
For girls in the eighties
But gravity always wins.
And it wears him out, it wears him out
It wears him out, it wears him out.
She looks like the real thing
She tastes like the real thing
My fake plastic love.
But I cant help the feeling
I could blow through the ceiling
If I just turn and run
And it wears me out, it wears me out
It wears me out, it wears me out.
And if I could be who you wanted
If I could be who you wanted,
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