- Coming to the end of a day, thinking how wonderful it has been and how lucky I've felt each moment to have been given the gift of this day. Its been such a perfect day, nothing could mar it now, and it calls for a double dose of 3BTs :-). I'm happy today!
- A box of Ferrero Rochers that arrives at my door in the morning. Its quite unexpected, but very welcome and much appreciated.
- I go the the Times' office to collect the free passes they are giving out for the concert in the evening. I'm handed one pass, and I ask for another, 'coz Dadu is coming with me too. Another pass is promptly handed to me. But I see that one pass admits two, so I hand back the second one, and move away. While I'm still close to the counter and am fumbling with one of the various bags in my hands, a guy, who's perhaps in his late thirties, walks in. He asks for two passes too, and is told that the passes are free, so one person can claim only one! Well... being a girl should have some advantages! hee hee... :-)
- Sitting beneath the stars, with an almost full moon shining down bright and a cool gentle breeze, and listening to Ustad Amjad Ali Khan on the sarod. He's a maestro par excellence who gauges the mood and level of his audience perfectly and regales us with such a rich variety of music that we're left spell-bound...
- An old friendship, that I had feared lost, is revived. Its a blessing I hadn't hoped for.
- An absolutely scrumptilicious sea-food dinner at Mahesh Lunch Home. The Chilly-pepper prawns and the Manglorean fish curry with coconut milk gravy were both finger-licking yummy.
24 minutes ago
been a while since I dropped a comment here (or was it last week :-) ), but am so happy for your BT's - they are truly refreshing!!!
Have you listened to his sons play btw? Have heard their renditions of some ragas - but have been meaning to hear them more closely. BTW Aanand's performance last weekend was mindblowing. He got a standing ovation at their end. Sister's proud. :-)
I am so charged up after the long weekend - will send you guys an account sometime later today. :-) And I also discovered that I enjoy cruising on an empty road :-) Half of me wanted to speed up, and the other half said NO, and these halfs meet somewhere in a point where driving is pure fun, safe and sound. :-)
love you. take care.
I've heard his sons play. They're good, but of course they're no match for him - neither in their music, nor in their good-looks! He's got that royal, stately elegance about him, which they are yet to develop...
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