- I finalise the deal on the flat. Come mid-jan, and my address will be heavier with "Koregaon Park" in it! The broker has agreed to have the flat repainted before I move in, and I'm looking forward to staying in a fresh apartment.
- Chicken Biryani at Blue Nile in Pune Camp. The place has an old world charm to it. You don't feel as if you're sitting in a restaurent when you're there. You get the feeling that you're at a feast at one of those old, chandeliered, high ceilinged mansions. There's nothing modern about it at all, and it feels so homely. And of course, the biryani is just too good. Come to think of it, I've never really had anything else there, but I'm told that the other items on the menu are just as good!
- Its been one of those days when you feel just happy and content with life. I've smiled a lot through the day, and have been filled with a warm glow throughout. Its as if life's telling me - now's the best time to be alive...
10 hours ago
Your first point has left me wondering...!!! Can any address outweigh YN's? I mean...doesn't it have 5 door numbers, an apartment identifier that uses more than just the 26 alphabets in the language, 4 and a half street addresses and roughly 3 city names...and with the
C/o Gaikwad
---C/o Mrs. Gaikwad
-------C/o Jr. Gaikwad???
Rashmi...the KP apt can be big & better...but its address....can never be bigger!!! :-)
Girlie, just the two words 'Koregaon Park' carry more weight that all the numbers and alphabets and C/O's put together, and multiplied by 100!!
Baby, its quality, not quantity that matters!
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