- A head massage. And a shoulder massage. And warm, fragrant massage oil. And the way my head feels so light afterwards.
- It's so difficult getting birthday gifts for guys. Finally, I find what I want to gift Sriharsha and Kris. Sriharsha gets Anurag Mathur's The Inscrutable Americans and Kris gets Miss Shumway Waves a Wand by James Hadley Chase. Both are books I have enjoyed immensely when I read them many years ago and was quite happy to find them on the book shelves at Crossword.
- Tanmoy has taken strong objection to the fact that his name is not in 'My People' here on this blog.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Light headed, gifts I like and objection sustained
Survival food, in a jiffy and
- Maggi. What would I do without it?
- Thinking that like all tailors, this one will also be fussy and will take a long time to stitch my dress, I ask him a little apprehensively when the dress will be ready. Tuesday, he says. Have it ready by thursday, I tell him. Er... tuesday, you mean? No no... Thursday will be just fine. I can't pick it up on tuesday.
- I'm getting bored at home. So I call up Sriharsha and Kris and we try to plan what to do. We end up getting ourselves invited over to Kris's. Vrunda is sweet, she whips up a quick dinner for us.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Kulfi, grape juice and night air
- Our Kabbalat Shabbat (a Jewish ceremony to welcome Shabbat, which we follow because our company is based out of Israel, but which we have modified to suit the friday mood to eat good food and have some fun with colleagues) gets cancelled, so there are no yummy friday afternoon treats. Or so we think. Another team has plenty of kulfi left from their Kabbalat Shabbath, which they come to share. The taste of the pistachio flavoured kulfi lingers on my mouth for some time.
- Fresh grape juice. The sweetness is just right and the usual astringent taste is somewhat suppressed, creating a most satisfactory (and of course, healthy) drink.
- Finally there's enough of a nip in the air to wear a jacket while walking outside at night. The cool clean night air is the kind that makes one want to keep walking. The tip of my nose and my cheeks tingle a little.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Jingling bangles, my day and aroma
- There's a wedding to attend in the morning, so I get to dress up a bit in one of my better Salwar Kameezes. Its also an occassion to wear bangles - something I don't usually do, and I kind of like the way they jingle on my wrist at the slightest movement. And the best part is that I get a ride to the wedding - Suresh Kaka and Bharti Kaku pick me up and drop me home, so I don't have to worry about the traffic.
- There's no where to rush to and no time table to keep. I put on soft cotton socks, get under soft covers and go off to sleep in the afternoon. Its my day.
- Holding a steaming mug of soup in my hands, I take a deep breath.
Happy day, random gems and negotiation
- I feel light today. I put in 12 hours of work, but even in the 12th hour, I find myself humming a tune while sitting at my desk. I like days when it's easy to smile. People seem to irritate me not quite as much as they have done in the past week or so.
- Manjiri writes me a random email. It ends with: Found this today - 'the tailors measured him just for the sake of excercise these days.' Wodehouse, who else?
- A super tight deadline has been negotiated and I suddenly realise that I no longer need to work on Christmas... Lesson learnt - ask! negotiate! Especially when the present scenario can't get any worse. A painstakingly composed email sent last night did the trick.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
No motion sickness, rasgullas and inbox
- I come home from a completely uneventful bus journey. NO bus sickness at all this time! How cool is that?!
- Kris has brought some really soft and succulent rasgullas to office today, because it was his birthday on Sunday. I make at least 3 trips to his desk at different times of the day to pop one in my mouth. Ok, technically, one can't just 'pop' it in, it would be too messy, but I usually squeeze the excess juice out of it so that it has just the right amount of sweetness and then bite into it.
- For 4 days, I haven't checked my email, so I login a few minutes ago, with great expectations. I'm not let down. Apart from the usual promotional emails, there are a few personal ones from friends too.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Lower pressure, clean it up and Kaushiki
- After days of complicated and time consuming work, the pressure eases off a bit and the work at hand is slightly low pressure than the past whole week, so I can relax a wee bit and allow the fatigue to take over for a while instead of fighting it continuously.
- As the petrol pump attendant fills up the car's tank, another one cleans the windshield because it's dusty. He does this without being asked to.
- I remember I have Kaushiki Chakrabarty's CD in my purse as I get into the car. So today, instead of the radio, I listen to her melliflous voice singing a beautiful raaga with great pleasure. Peace slowly seeps in...
Looking nice, company and the sound of music
- On a day when I haven't taken any trouble to really dress up and am sub-consciously convinced that I'm looking 'just ok' and perhaps a tad fat, I get a compliment that I'm looking nice.
- I've slogged through the day but its been one of those days when getting even the simplest thing done requires herculean effort. Driving back home from work really really late, I'm tired and cranky. At such a time, I'm glad of Arminder's company as she joins me in cribbing about the how badly people drive in Pune. Its so much better than driving home alone when you really want to rant about stuff, but have no one to listen to you.
- I finally find the drivers my PC needs and install them. The sound's working now! Yay!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Entrancing music, glad and freedom
- Having the good fortune to listen to Ronu Majumdar play the flute and Pt. Jasraj sing at the Sawai Gandharva Music Festival. Today was the final day of the 4 day fest, and what a musical feast it has been! I've attended on all four days, and each day has been one enriching and fulfilling experience. My experience has culminated today on the high note of Pt. Jasraj's heavenly voice - one needs to be at the festival to see how his bhajans sway an audience of over 5000, all rapt in the the same emotion...
- Jui is happy she came all the way from Hyderabad to attend the Sawai Gandharva Music Festival.
- After months of driving only the car, I take the bike today. There's a strange sense of freedom as I weave my way through the traffic, slipping through spaces which are inaccessible to the car, instead of waiting patiently till there's space enough for the car to move ahead.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
To the grind, Smita and panache
- There's so much work, I'm having to keep my nose to the grind. I'm kinda enjoying it.
- After many months, Smita has been emailing. Her familiar frank style reminds me of the good long chats we used to have when she was here. Has it really been two and a half years?!
- Ocean's Twelve. I just love their style and panache!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wish me, younger, Brisingr and making way for the new
- It's Dharana's birthday today. She keeps insisting every now and then: "wish me happy birthday!". We do. We wish her a happy year.
- It's Stafford's birthday as well. I ask him how old he is and give a theatrical gasp when he tells me. "Yeah yeah... I may be older than you, but I look younger", he tells me. "That's just because of your juvenile behaviour," I tell him. A throaty laugh comes from the other end of the line. May you have many such laughs this coming year, Stafford! Wish you a happy birthday.
- Come evening and I can't wait to get done with my work and the gym so that I can rush home and get immersed into Brisingr again.
- Papa's camera has arrived and he's thrilled to bits with it. Mummy has called him up at the courts to tell him a gift has arrived for him from Delhi, and has refused to divulge any more information, so he has come home wondering what it might be and who might've sent it. He is already making plans of how and when to use it and of getting rid of his old point and shoot.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
She's back, beauty treatments and 9 wins
- The maid's back from her vacation. Yay! And she makes lovely thin and soft rotis from the dough I had kneaded yesterday, better than what I could've ever made. (Yes, my obsession with rotis continues!)
- I completely pamper myself today. First I get a delightful haircut, then a facial, then a manicure and a pedicure... oh! and the hair stylist straightens my hair while blow drying. I adore the new look with the sleek staight hair. My hair will go back to its unruly curls by tomorrow, of course, but I like the possibilities this new hair style suggests when I am bored of my usual look.
- Shenoy, Pallavi (his wife) and I go to attend the final round of Battle of the Bands - a local rock competition. Our friend Yayati's band "9" are one of the finalists and they are simply mindblowing. They play all original compositions, all in Hindi and are declared the unanimous winners. I'm seriously impressed!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Gym girl, dad will shoot and Gujju Thali
- Finally! I've done it! I've gone to gym 5 days in a row for the first time in my gymming career! I'm so proud of myself.
- I spend a good part of the day researching digicams. I have discount vouchers both from Indiaplaza and ebay, and now I really want to buy a camera for dad. I'm especially thrilled at the idea of ordering it online and having it delivered directly to him, because online shopping is still a very new concept for him.
- Again I join Sriharsha and Sachin for dinner and we go to a Gujrati thali place. The food is just like home! Simple and tasty! And the rotis! sighhhhh... I just gobble them up! Its sheer contentment...
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Waiting for the rain, all for me and company for dinner
- As I walk in Magarpatta late in the evening, there's a smell of rain on the wind. The wind comes in gentle gusts, but there's an urgency about it which makes you want to walk briskly, though not necessarily to get to a shelter.
- The gym is quite empty, so I don't have to wait for my turn.
- Its too late to cook and I'm wondering what to do for dinner when I find out that Sriharsha and Tejas are going out. I join them and find that Vishal and Sachin are joining too. What might've been a hasty, lonely dinner turns into a fun meal with good food (except the paneer... that was horrid!) and much laughter.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Birthday girl, special gift and soft!
- It's Dipti's birthday today. Last night a few of us from work landed up at her place at midnight to bring in the birthday with cake. She has loved the surprise so much that I overhear her telling anyone who calls her up to wish her about how exciting her birthday has been this year. Happy birthday girl!
- Dipti goes out to receive the birthday gift that has arrived from her fiance and comes back radiant, holding a gift set of CK perfumes. Her eyes sparkle so much, its impossible not be drawn into her enthusiasm at the gift.
- I manage to make soft, edible rotis today. They don't fluff up as they should when I hold them over the flame, but I suppose that's setting too high an expectation at so early a stage in my roti making career!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
A common dream, epidemic and Mario Miranda
- George calls up after a long time. He's very busy these days attending B-school and we don't get to catch up as often as we'd like to. A rescheduled exam has worked in my favour and he has a few hours free. There's much to talk about. We keep planning on how sometime in the near future we'd all like to stay in the same city, the whole gang within reach.
- An email arrives from Sonal announcing her engagement. We all ignore it - it is after all such a common prank played on unsuspecting colleagues when they leave their PCs unattended. But this time, there's an unusual amount of buzz after this email, and it turns out it is true after all, and there are sweets to be had at her desk! It's a wedding epidemic, I tell you! A whopping 12 people I know are getting married in the next quarter. Wedding plans and fiances are the hot topic of discussion anywhere you go.
- While in Goa, I kept searching for souvenirs with Mario Miranda's cartoons, but didn't find any. Looking him up on the net though, I did find some delightful pieces of his work. His eye for detail and his love and understanding of Goa's unique culture is evident in the pictures. He takes care to remind us that Goa not just a beach state that attracts tourists by the cartload. Its a place with its own rich cultural diversity, very different from the rest of India in that it was ruled by the Portuguese till 1961. And yet, the native Konkani people have maintained their own identity, even while assimilating the influence of their conquerors, creating an exotic and heady cocktail.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Online, lets go back and seeing is believing
- The helpful internet guy turns up as promised and gets my connection going. Right now its working like a dream.
- People share their pictures from Goa and we have a lovely time reliving the fun moments.
- I love video chat.
Friday, November 07, 2008
Tomatoes, one of those people and pining
- Pallavi emails to tell me about how her experiments with cooking turned out. Let me just quote her: well it was a decent meal though I realized that my rajma and paneer both turned out to have excess tomatoes!!! So it was an extremely tomaty (if that’s a word) dinner!!!! I like that word. Tomaty... hmmm...
- In the same email, comes another statement. You're becoming like those people who go to Goa at least once a year, she tells me. Well, this is the second consecutive year... and I'm rather pleased about it! But next year, I'll go some place else.
- Dipti is engaged and her fiance has gone off to the US. He'll only come back for the wedding now, which is to be held either in February or March. She sits at her desk looking all forlorn (and extremely funny) and says "How will I wait four months to see him?"
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Entertainer, variety and white
- I'm seeing my cousin Aaditya after a long long time, perhaps a couple of years have passed since we last met. He keeps entertaining us with really silly jokes. His supply seems inexhaustible.
- There's a handloom expo at Kasturchand Park. We're amazed at the variety of sarees available there.
- I like wearing the crisp white chikankari kurta. Wearing white makes me feel all pristine and superior...
Deepavali, welcome and lit up
- Its Diwali... no other festival brings such a feeling of gaiety in everyone. All the houses are decked up and the evening makes us forget that there's no moon in the sky tonight.
- We sit with huge needles and a roll of twine making garlands of marigold for the doors. Before its evening, all the doors are decked up for Laxmi, the Goddess of Wealth to enter our home. Also welcoming her is the colourful rangoli near the door, over which Jui and I broke our backs. There's no way she can ignore such a welcome!
- The task of placing wicks in the little earthen diyas, filling them with oil and placing them along the balcony wall after lighting them falls to me... they look marvellous, twinkling with their warm light against the night.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Coming back to life, hungry and involved
- Coming home after almost a fortnight at the hospital seems to be doing some good for Grandma. She looked so frail lying on the stretcher when they brought her home just two days ago. Already, being in her own room, sleeping on her own bed and being surrounded by her familiar knick knack has brought in a striking change and she can sit up unaided and for longer durations. An unmistakable sign of recovery is the returning interest in life's daily activities - she asks me to find her pearl earrings and later tells dad that she'll clean the bunch of coriander he got from the market, and does.
- Being at home, in Nagpur, whets my appetite. Is it the air?
- Finding the time to be completely engrossed in a book. I didn't quite expect to like A Queen of Dreams... but I did. I got involved in it to a surprisong degree...
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Earned gift, uploaded and time to go!
- The set of strolley bags I ordered to redeem the points earned on my credit card arrive almost a week earlier than I expected them. And they arrive in a huge parcel at work and cause plenty of excitement. The bags are nice and stylish, but also look quite sturdy and convenient. Now I can take one of them on my vacation... yay yay!
- After much procrastination and many taunts and pestering from friends, I finally upload the pictures I had taken during the past couple of weeks or so. I end up surprised when I see them, for I had forgotten clicking many of them and some have come out beautifully I think.
- As the day progresses, I am barely able to contain my excitement enough to sit still and concentrate on work that must be completed before I leave for the vacation tomorrow. And because there are six others at work who are accompanying me, the buzz is heady. Comparing checklists, checking weather forecasts for all the places we're going to visit, making phonecalls to check on details... there's so much going on, it's hard to forget for even a moment that its going to be one fun holiday for the next 5 days!
Monday, September 15, 2008
War wounds, no snoozes and free rice
- Showing off the black and blue bruise on my arm. It's not hurting much now, so it's all the better! There's much comment on it, and much conjecture.
- Going through a monday without feeling sleepy (well almost!). And this despite having a rocking weekend.
- Playing for Free Rice (look at the banner on the right hand side). Any language game instantly becomes an addiction, and this one's better, for there's much incentive to keep playing. I have donated 2980 grains of rice today. You play too!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Shy, no mouse in the house and fine writing instruments
- I wake up and still sleepy eyed, open the balcony doors. The first thing I see is a brand new shy little rose bud, still very tiny and still very green.
- The mouse that has been scaring me has been gotten rid of and I can go into the bathroom without my nerves being on the edge.
- Jui wants to buy a pen for Papa, so both of us start searching the net for one that's worthy of being held in his hands. I like the way the sites use the term 'fine writing instrument' rather than the mundane 'pen', instantly upping the glamour quotient attached to it.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Charged, traffic update and connected
- There's a slight electricity in the air - we're planning a trip again, and though its a month away, the spring in my step is unmistakable.
- Kris calls up to say that he's stuck in a traffic jam for more than an hour and I should avoid that particular route home. I'm so grateful he called, because I was actually planning to go home that way.
- My internet is working. They have finally renewed it for the correct monthly plan.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Sun salutations, chai tales and the nanny
- Finally getting the hang of the Surya Namaskar. Its a yogasana combining 12 steps and exercises most major muscles. I still can't do it perfectly, but I atleast know what I need to do better and how. The last time I did it, I had no clue what came when!
- No tea spewed out by any vending machine can ever match up to real chai - not even the tetley tea bag dipped thick milk whitener added tea... Tea powder should be boiled, preferrably with the milk and sugar added, and with some ginger (some people like to add cardamom too, but I don't like it that much). That's the perfect chai... the caterers at work have started serving chai in the afternoon at tea time, and though its a little too sweet for me, I still prefer it to the vending machine tea.
- Watching 'The Nanny'. I especially like the way the outrageous nanny laughs.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Tender, tonic for the soul and pretty change
- The rose plant has tender new leaves - all shiny and reddish purple - evidence that the plant has accepted its new home and is taking root.
- Its been a long, tiring day. As I set out for home, I'm moving and driving solely on will. As if on cue, all the radio channels start playing beautiful songs. There's something of a tonic in the music and when I reach home, I'm feeling much better.
- I remember a friend who used to be a tom-boy in school. She's changed so drastically since she got married. Every time she posts new pictures on Orkut I'm freshly (and pleasantly) surprised. I see a pretty, feminine girl looking back at me from the photographs.
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Customer Service, Smooth and Yellow Chillies
- A top that I bought a few does ago isn't fitting me all too well and want to exchange it. The catch - I've lost the bill, though the tags are still hanging on. I go to the mall, prepared for war, but I'm surprised. The girl at the customer service desk is helpful and says she'll change it for me if I find something in the same brand and at the same price. Luckily I do.
- After the servicing, there's a noticeable change in the driving experience. I never thought my car was not smooth, until this evening when I realized how smooth it suddenly seemed!
- A new restaurant's opened in KP - Sanjeev Kapoor's Yellow Chillies. The master chef's restaurant lives up to our expectations in terms of the culinary and dining experience - the 'Lalla Musa Daal' as they call it (more commonly known as kaali daal or daal makhni) is exceptional. The mocktails are refreshing too...
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Absurd mind in a house of bheegi ladki, far away...
1. Experimenting mind games
My first round of experimentation has ended, without any casualty. I found it hard to implement initially, but now slowly after much deliberation, I find it rather amusing. There are more interesting things to follow. One learning - 'Always keep them guessing'. More to come in future.
2. Absurd Chit-Chat
There is an old friend, with whom my conversations haven't changed in any manner, for the last 9 years. Post graduations, jobs, her marriage have miserably failed to change the tone. It breaks new records of cheekiness and absurdity each time. Obviously having an hour long chat like that has never harmed anybody.
3. Looking forward to a House of Cards
The fact that I am going to watch another thrilling and suave episode of 'House of cards' after I finish writing this- makes it hard to go on writing. An elegant and extremely well written script of a classic political thriller. You know it, even if it was not from the accent, when you watch something made by the British. I have found no form of Literature or Art more intriguing (consistently over the years) than, what comes out of England. Highly recommended.
4. Whiling away...
Whiling away time... listening to old songs from 'Chalti ka naam gaadi'. One of those movies, where each song is a gem. I love this movie.
5. 'Ek Ladki Bheegi Bhaagi Si'
Since we are talking about 'Chalti ka naam gaadi' let's also talk about the most famous song from it. I remember listening, singing, whistling to this song... so many times. This happened to be one of my favorite songs to sing, back in college. We even had a medley of 4-5 songs, which used to start with me whistling to the tunes of this song. This song has a cult following in India. Is it surprising that it features the super beauty queen (Madhubala) in a wet saari and one of the most diverse artists India has ever seen (Kishore Kumar). The pair derive their amazing chemistry in the movie, from a real life romance which soon tied them in matrimony, after the movie.
Here it goes - YouTube Video

Ik ladki bhigi bhagi siSoti raaton mein jaagi siMili ik ajnabi seKoyi aage na peechheTum hi kaho ye koyi baat hai, hmm
(Dil hi dil mein chali jaati hainBighdi bighdi chali aati hain) -2Doondh laut ti huwi balka ti huwiSaawan ke suni raaton meinMili ik ajnabi seKoyi aage na peechheTum hi kaho ye koyi baat haiHmmEk ladki bhigi bhagi si..
(Daagmag daagmag lehki lehkiBhooli badh ki behki behki) -2Machli machli gharse nikhliPaghli si kali raaton meinMili ik ajnabi seKoyi aage na peechheTum hi kaho ye koyi baat hai, hmmEk ladki bhigi bhagi si..
(Tan bheega hai sar geela haiUs kaa koyi pech bhi dheela hai) -2Tan ti jhukti chalti ruktiNikli andheri raaton meinMili ik ajnabi seKoyi aage na peechheTum hi kaho ye koyi baat hai, hmmEk ladki bhigi bhagi si
Friday, August 22, 2008
No noise, curd and free bird
- My current favourite song, Khuda Jaane, is being played on the radio, so I roll up the car's windows to cut out the noise of the traffic.
- There's thick white fresh curd for lunch. Even looking at it lying in angular lumps in the bowl is such a pleasure. And it tastes even better than it looks. There's no need to add any salt or sugar to it.
- As I come home at night, the streets are free of traffic and I can cruise along happily, enjoying the feeling of freedom and loving every minute of it
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Neat and tidy, towards better health and prankster
My internet connection is playing the traunt, hence the irregular posting. I hope to be back online soon!
- I come home to find the house in neat order and the dinner cooked. The rose plant has also been watered. The maid's back! Yay!
- Even though its too late to go to the gym by the time I'm done in the evening, I still find the time to come home and do some yogasanas.
- Tanmoy calls me up very gleefully to tell me about a prank that he's played on Shreerang. "Its going to drive him crazy!" I'm told with much delight.
Pending light is long wanted in Bombay meri Jaan :)
1. Finally there is light !
Yes... I bought a table lamp finally. This happens to be one of the absolute necessary things in my life. My US experience has been so different in so many ways. Not all of them have been rocking. Not having a bed side lamp was one of the basic things missing from my life.
2. Pending no more...
There is so much personal and office work that I finished/planned. A sense of accomplishment really for a lazy bum like me.
3. Wanted
Everytime I talk to family and friends back in India- I feel so important and wanted. It is one of those rare occasions when it seems I am lucky to be alive and walk around with pride.
4. The Long Walk
I recommend this book to anybody who feels life has been unfair to them (even for a moment). SÅ‚awomir Rawicz, a Polish soldier who was arrested by Soviet occupation troops after the German-Soviet invasion of Poland. He and six others escaped and walked over 6500 km (4000 miles) south, through the Gobi desert, and over the Himalayas to India. I don't think I have even reached the part in the book, where the escape is planned. I am still in the parts where he is tortured by them after his arrest. The book's shock factor makes it a very interesting read.
5. 'Yeh Hai Bombay Meri Jaan'
What a playful and meaningful song ! I soooo love it :)
You will find the english translation on the youtube video.
Youtube Video

Aye dil hai mushkil jeena yahanZara hat ke zara bach ke, yeh hai Bombay meri jaanHa haa, ha ho ho, ho hi haa ha haaHm hm hm hm, hm hm hm , hm hm hm hm hmAye dil hai..
(Kahin building kahin traame, kahin motor kahin millMilta hai yahan sab kuchh ik milta nahin dil) Insaan ka nahin kahin naam-o-nishaanZara hat ke zara bach ke, yeh hai Bombay meri jaanAye dil hai..
(Kahin satta, kahin patta kahin chori kahin resKahin daaka, kahin phaaka kahin thokar kahin thes) Bekaaro ke hain kai kaam yahanZara hat ke zara bach ke, yeh hai Bombay meri jaanAye dil hai..
(Beghar ko aawara yahan kehte has hasKhud kaate gale sabke kahe isko business) Ik cheez ke hain kai naam yahanZara hat ke zara bach ke, yeh hai Bombay meri jaanAye dil hai..
(Bura duniya woh hai kehta aisa bhola tu na banJo hai karta woh hai bharta hai yahan ka yeh chalan) Tadbeer nahin chalne ki yahanYeh hai Bombay, yeh hai Bombay, yeh hai Bombay meri jaan
Aye dil hai mushkil jeena yahanZara hat ke zara bach ke, yeh hai Bombay meri jaan
Aye dil hai aasaa jeena yahanSuno mister, suno bandhu, yeh hai Bombay meri jaan
Aye dil hai mushkil jeena yahanZara hat ke zara bach ke, yeh hai Bombay meri jaan
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
Kangaroo man, not brown but still a favourite and gossip mongers
- When I reach office, I see a message from Gauri, saying "Rashmiiiiiiiiii! I saw a kangarooooo!" He's in Australia.
- Getting a parcel in the mail. Even though I've been expecting it, and I even know what's in it, I still love it. I think, more than getting the parcel, I enjoy the stir it causes among the people around... and there's a certain romance attached to getting something by mail in this age of email... "...Brown paper packages tied up with strings... these are a few of my favourite things!"
- Gullu has been trying to reach me desparately. When I finally do call him back, he's going to bits over some gossip that he wants to share - a friend has a job offer and after much cajoling, has almost confessed to having a girl friend, and we spend a few happy, wicked minutes discussing this and making plans of harrassing him till he gives us the whole story.
Monday, August 04, 2008
For Addy, coffee with the breeze and hard work
- After many days, I catch Aaoge Jab Tum on radio... And instantly, I think of Addy. She had been asking me about my favourite contemporary hindi music, and I had somehow missed this one. So Addy, this one's for you. About the song... well, just listen to it!
- Dipti and I carry our coffee mugs outside to the portico, for the afternoon break. Its a cloudy day with a gentle breeze, and we are both so pleased to be out in the open that we laugh easily, forgetting the closed office and the heap loads of work.
- When I check my watch, I find that the yoga session has actually lasted less than the alloted hour, but I'm feeling as if I've been through one gruelling length of time. Its hard work!
Saturday, August 02, 2008
Highlight, walk and Shantaram
- Tanmoy and Pallu are back in NY after visiting the Niagara Falls. They're awed by the majesty of it. For Tanmoy, the highlight of the trip is a full, vivid rainbow. Pallavi is unimpressed by such trivialities and instead of talking to me, they continue to bicker about it.
- Fed up of the depressing darkness inside office today, Kris and I go for a walk in the Magarpatta garden. For some strange reason, this is the first time I'm going there, and I'm thoroughly impressed by the sprawling, well manicured garden. It's so peaceful there, and bright and the fresh air feels like heaven...
- Shantaram. I started it a few days ago, and within the first 3 pages, I was hooked. The lucidity of language, the authors keen-ness of perception and of course the incredible story, all make a lethal combination. Every now and then, I am blown away with the author's unique way of feeling things and expressing them.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Special occassion, healthy food and Sit
- Natasha has stayed over, so the special occassion is celebrated by having chai and some biscuits in the morning. What's the big deal, you ask? Well, just come and see what a rush work mornings are! There's no time for anything more than a glass of water.
- I resist having those rich, fatty, fried (and sumptuous) samosas for breakfast and eat fruits instead.
- Kris clears his desk, points at it and says 'Sit.'... However many times a day I drop by to waste time, his as well as mine...
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Favourite job, click instruction and planning outsourced
- Mom calls me up: "I have a task for you - one that you'll love." "What?" "Your sister has neither come online nor sent an email for two whole days. Scold her, will you?" (She has travelled to the US for a couple of months.) Who in her right mind would refuse a job such as this?! Unfortunately she sends a lengthy email within a few minutes, and I lose a golden opportunity... sigh!
- The photography workshop has started today. The instructor spent today's session answering questions that people had. Tomorrow, he will bring his lights and show us how photography is done with studio lights. While all this is going on, the thought crosses my mind that while all this technical instruction is fine, no one can really give the photographer an 'eye' for the frame, she must develop it herself and finally, it is this individual perception of the world around that will be the distinguishing factor once the technique is mastered.
- Soumitra is such a sweetheart. He knows I must have forgotten. So he reminds me that Diwali is only three months away, so I should start planning for tickets. Last year, all the tickets were snapped up within an hour of the reservations opening!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Lucky day, chef and title track
- "Are you feeling lucky today?" Kris asks me... I'm confused... Why? I ask. "Because Vrunda and I got you something for your car". "Just like that? No occassion?!" It turns out to be a stuffed monkey that's smoking a cigarette with loads of attitude, in a reclining posture, with one arm behind his head... and if you press it's tummy, it lets out a shrill screech that's alarming, to say the least! Its superfluous to mention that I'm so thrilled by the unexpected gift that I'm giggling my head off for a long time...
- I make rotis and baingan ka bharta for dinner. The rotis, though not quite perfect, are not altogether bad. I am so proud of myself. Why? Everyone can make rotis, with the sole exception of yours truly! So edible rotis are a notable achievement.
- The title track of the Marathi serial Asambhav. The series is also quite riveting, but its very difficult to find time to watch it everyday and one loses track of the story otherwise...
Sunday, July 20, 2008
Swish swish, thanda thanda cool cool and living up to its reputation
- Wearing my olive green cotton skirt. It's of a handloom material with block prints on it and has a very earthy, 'India' feel to it... the cut is straight, but at the bottom, there's a flare which swishes as I walk.
- Its sweltering in the afternoon and we're sweating profusely... suddenly, there's a cool breeze which says that it's rained somewhere nearby... it goes right to the roots of my hair and my head feels cool...
- I drag Soumitra to Side Walk Cafe promising him the perfect coffee and excellent snadwiches. The cafe doesn't let me down...
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wow, pickled and little woman
- I love it when people say "Wow! You drove all the way to Hyderabad?!"... of course, I remind them I didn't drive the whole distance alone, but the admiration still gives me an ego boost... the other day Natasha kept saying she's so proud of me!
- Viju Atya tells me that she has again made pickle this season, so I can be sure of getting one more bottle of her home-made pickle when I next go to Nagpur.
- Watching Dharana make rotis - she looks adorable... like a little kid doing grown-up things!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Breathing space, effectiveness and welcome
- After many days of high pressure work, its a relatively easy day. I can relax and take breaks without feeling guilty.
- I do pranayam at the evening yoga classes being held at work. There's a tingling sensation on my face when I finish the breathing exercises.
- I drop in at Kaka's place unannounced, but they won't let me go without dinner. Its such a relief not to have to worry about arranging for dinner that I accept immediately...
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Laughter, little thought and secret
- Laughing so hard that I have to gasp for breath and hold my tummy 'coz it hurts.
- Dharana knows I love coffee, so she very thoughtfully saves me some special coffee flavoured chocolate that someone gave her... the little chocolate nuggets have coffee beans at the center, and a delightful aroma
- Having a secret and bursting to tell it to someone...
Saturday, July 12, 2008
It's saturday, not needed and girl time
- I wake up in the morning with a start, look at the watch, wonder why the alarm didn't go off like everyday and then remember its saturday and settle down once again to drift off to sleep with a thankful heart.
- Both Jui and Pallu have no time to chat with me - instead they're both busy chatting with Tanmoy, planning their sightseeing while they're in the US... Tanmoy is also taking great pains to help them out...
- Three giggly girls out on a saturday night. There's much truth when they say that all girls need some girl-bonding time, where no guys are allowed and we can let our hair down...
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Hitting the high road, li'l bro and I can do it
- A car, two chilled out people and a highway that stretches ahead. Off we zoom, Ro and I, sometimes singing, sometimes talking... we're in no hurry to get home, so we take our time, taking small detours to click pictures, to see an old fort on the way, to have chai at a roadside dhaba... it's a good way to be...
- As a younger brother, Ro is good company - he's chilled out, practical, looooves to eat, is always ready for some fun and adventure and you can rely on him. What I like the most about him is the fact he doesn't come with a 'handle with care' tag attached, so he's a zero stress person to have around... not to mention his vast capacity for nonstop nonsense! I hardly feel the 6 year age gap to be a barrier in having fun...
- The enormous feeling of confidence that comes along with completing a long road-trip (approx 550 kms)... I no longer doubt my ability to handle my car... and the car is wonderful - it gives an unexpectedly high mileage on the highway.
Immortality can be associated with old and senseless men having cheap thrills on weekends
1. Cheap Thrills
As of now, I don't have much work assigned to me. I mean not enough to keep me busy consistently. A colleague of mine, requests me to help her with a few visio diagrams. My reply to her request-
"I would rather have you learn the functions, than help and hinder your progress". I know it was a sad remark, but somehow I enjoyed it :)
2. Old and senseless
Having an easy work schedule, has its obvious benefits. I called up a couple of old friends and had long chats (as senseless as it can be). Somehow by the end of it, I find myself all cheerful.
3. Weekend mania
I know its just Tuesday, but my roomies have started to make a 'guy' plan already. This is a part of the farewell to one of guys in the gang.
4. Immortality

As a part of the Pearl Jam week, I introduce you to the song - Immortality. I have been listening to this song continuously since morning. It has that nostalgic tone to it. Eddy Veddar has said this song might just be wrapped in the thoughts for Kurt Cobain (not directly but just to point to a similar 'parallel train' he was on).
Listen to this studio version
Needless to say the lyrics are awesome...
Vacate is the word...vengeance has no place so near to her
Cannot find the comfort in this world
Artificial tear...vessel stabbed...next up, volunteers
Vulnerable, wisdom cant adhere...
A truant finds home...and I wish to hold on...
But theres a trapdoor in the sun...immortality...
As privileged as a whore...victims in demand for public show
Swept out through the cracks beneath the door
Holier than thou, how?
Surrendered...executed anyhow
Scrawl dissolved, cigar box on the floor...
A truant finds home...and I wish to hold on, too...
But saw the trapdoor in the sun...
I cannot stop the thought...Im running in the dark...
Coming up a which way sign...all good truants must decide...
Oh, stripped and sold, mom...auctioned forearm...
And whiskers in the sink...
Truants move on...cannot stay long
Some die just to live... ohh...
Monday, July 07, 2008
Flying away from the Earth, with the fear of a long peace video
1. Peace on Earth
With my roomies gone (most of the time) I use the house to satisfy my own whims and fancies. Movies I like, Music I like and food I like. Not a bad change at all (for 3 days).
2. Longford
Finally I get to see the movie I had bought a month back. Not disappointing at all. I have always been fascinated by bizarre things and behavior. I remember having a fascination with the concept of death ever since I was a teenager. Anyway, this movie was not about death. It is a biopic of Lord Longford, a British campaigner trying to help a convict- Myra Hindley. What makes his campaign both shocking and ruthless is the fact that, Myra was found guilty of being accomplice to Ian Brady in the killing (and sexual assault) of five children between the age of 10 and 17. His respect and career is at stake when he tries to help Myra Hindley despite public outrage. A movie well presented. There is an underlying current about all real life portrayals which makes the movies intense, but never the less, they have to be crafted with care as there are a lot of passionate and possibly concerned eyes scrutinizing the product.
3. Cape Fear
I never thought this was close to being Scorsese's best. But what was impressive was the way the scenes were shot on the boat towards the end. I loved it. There is so much randomness in the action scenes in his movies, that not even for a second would you feel let down. And off course, when there is Robert De Niro in it, I had to watch it. I meant to watch it long ago, but somehow never got the chance.
4. Pearl Jam: Single Video Theory

What can a crazy fan say about a documentary video shot on his favorite band? I guess there is only one word to express the right feeling - Ecstasy. It is a video shot at a time when Pearl Jam was making 'Yield'.
5. Given to Fly
Since we are talking about Yield - lets talk about the best song on it. The song which gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it. I don't know if it has been posted here before. But what the hell, even if it has been- this is one song which deserves to be here more than once. I just Love it !!!!
Here is an interesting YouTube version.
And here are the lyrics...
He could've tuned in, tuned in
But he tuned out
A bad time, nothing could save him
Alone in a corridor, waiting, locked out
He got up outta there, ran for hundreds of miles
He made it to the ocean, had a smoke in a tree
The wind rose up, set him down on his knee
A wave came crashing like a fist to the jaw
Delivered him wings, "Hey, look at me now"
Arms wide open with the sea as his floor
Oh, power, oh
He's.. flying
High.. wide, oh
He floated back down 'cause he wanted to share
His key to the locks on the chains he saw everywhere
But first he was stripped and then he was stabbed
By faceless men, well, fuckers
He still stands
And he still gives his love, he just gives it away
The love he receives is the love that is saved
And sometimes is seen a strange spot in the sky
A human being that was given to fly
High.. flying
Oh, oh
High.. flying
Oh, oh
He's flying
Oh, oh
Friday, July 04, 2008
A ray of sunshine, chatterbox and 3-in-1
- For a blissful 5 minutes in the morning, after getting ready to leave for work, I think I won't go. For those 5 minutes, I can't wipe the smile off my face. Then of course, I get up and go to office.
- Ro is here and he is talking non stop. Even while I type this.
- A sumptuous dinner, a cup of coffee and then a long drive on empty roads. The chicken fillet stuffed with mushroom and olives and cooked in a creamy cheesy white sauce is a delight... oh and the coffee - only coffee lovers will understand my bliss at having a cup of strong cappucino after liters of horrible vending machine coffee in office for days on end... and what pleasure to be able to actually put the car in the 5th gear for long intervals of time, when the daily commute to work rarely affords me to chance to even go into the 4th gear... oh... are these three BTs rolled into one? Oh well...
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Better than you, riddle and security
- I meet Pankaj in the gym who tells me he has been asked to lose 10 kgs. What are you doing here? Have you been asked to lose weight too? he asks... I smirk, and tell him (truthfully, by the way), that I'm not overweight. I'm here to tone myself up and lose the lethargy. Evil laughter (mine) follows.
- Why is it that after a workout in the gym I actually feel more energetic rather than exhausted?
- A friend (identity concealed to protect privacy) emails to say that she's in an anti-social, shun-all-human-contact mode currently. She hastens to add that I needn't worry, I'd never fall in that category ever.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Hot shower, one mad girl and smiles
- Because its slightly chilly these days, taking a hot shower after gym is a pleasure once again.
- Pallavi gets the chocolates we sent her for her birthday and goes into a hyper-happy wild screaming state. The chocolates have fulfilled their mission, though I wish we had a way of witnessing the celebration they caused.
- Feeling good at the end of the day... like there's much to smile about... life ain't THAT bad..!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
For the flowers, security and joie de vivre
- Red roses sit pretty in my new vase... Now I can finally start buying flowers on an impulse - earlier, there was no vase to put them in, so all the charm of buying flowers would vanish once I'd get them home...
- It rains through the day, slowly, soothingly and almost continuously... pausing only once in a while to allow people to scramble along from one place to another during the breathers. Me, I don't care. My car keeps me dry and safe.
- Visiting Suresh Kaka. Kaka and kaku always make me feel so welcome. And Bharti kaku is a great one for conversation, such an enthusiastic person with so many stories to tell. I often think that I'll consider myself to have led a successful life, if when I'm her age, I retain as much joie de vivre.
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Lighter, friends and mint n chocolate
- I raid the kitchen shelves looking for something to eat and in the process find a lot of stuff that should've made its way to the dustbin a long time ago... I put it where it rightly belongs, and the kitchen feels much lighter...
- A very pleasant evening spent with the gang at Kris's... Both Kris and Vrunda have taken great pains to cook a lovely dinner for us. But the best part is the easy level of comfort that I've reached with these people. We spend many hours together, but no one runs out things to say.
- Mint Chocolate Chips ice cream at Baskin Robins... just try it! Whoever thought of mixing mint and chocolate together was a genius!
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Saturday, rain and old friend
- Reaching saturday after a long and exhausting week. I thought it'd never come. I sleep in till almost 11 a.m...
- Sitting in the balcony with a hot mug of tea watching the rain... There's something strangely tranquil about watching rain... I wonder why
- Meeting Shenoy... he's changed so much after marriage... but it is good to sit down and talk and gossip... and discover its still just as easy to talk to him even though I now don't see him for weeks at a stretch...
Thursday, June 12, 2008
An ear, mended and salvation army
- I'm mad at the world. Sriharsha calmly hears me out as I rant.
- The mason's finally found it in him to come and refit the broken tiles in the bathroom.
- The last alphonso of the lot I had bought, which I had given up hope on (having forgotten to eat it) is salvaged by the cook. I hadn't had the heart to throw it in the dustbin, which is good, because she's turns it into aamras, and I realise that it hadn't gone bad at all! It just looked a bit worse for age...
Wednesday, June 11, 2008
Slim fit, bodyguard and a long fantasy
- Wearing my slim fit dark blue jeans. I don't know if they actually make me look slim... but they definitely make me feel slim!
- Gauri appoints himself as Dipti's bodyguard and threatens to kill anyone who touches her. Dipti immediately turns to him and says - please touch me...
- The TriWizard Tournament is about to start. Oh... I didn't mention I have undertaken a project of reading ALL Harry Potter books from the 1st to the 7th at one go so that I finally get the whole uninterrupted story, did I? I'm on Goblet of Fire right now... I simply adore living in the world of magic!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Pearls, love letters and hug and a kiss
My internet connection has been been acting strange all past week, and has refused to open blogger... Fate smiles on me again today, and I can get back to 3BTing.
- The pre-monsoon weather in Pune. The sun barely peeps out of the clouds... there's a cool breeze at all times and is at times accompanied by a light drizzle, which doesn't quite succeed in doing much more than placing tiny glistening pearls on my hair...
- Reading 'Other People's Love Letters'... it spreads a warmth through me.
- Getting an unexpected hug and a fond kiss on the cheek
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
Catalyst, first blessing and uncivilized
- Its a normal work-day. The clock creeps to 5 p.m. like it does everyday. Everyone is going about his or her work like usual. And then someone says, "Hey! Its raining!" Its hard to explain the kind of galvanizing effect this one statement has on everyone. People keep going to out for walks (let's go watch the rain) or running to the window. There's a palpable change in the mood of the moment.
- We go out to enjoy the changed weather. It's suddenly turned quite chilly and there are strong gusts of wind. There's been a shower before, and though it's not raining at the moment, the air is wet and smells divine. After struggling for a while, I finally give up and let my hair fly higgelldy piggeldy...
- After dinner I bite into one of the large juicy alphonso mangoes I bought yesterday. Its a messy job, becuase I refuse to eat it in a civilized way cutting it with a knife... I just peel off the skin by tearing it off, and bite into the whole ripe fruit... believe me, there isn't a more satisfying way of eating a mango that this... and I'm going to do it everyday for 5 more days! yay!
Monday, June 02, 2008
Significant mean brick has an earnest wish!
1. Brick of significance
Memorial day weekend led us to an old and proud place - Boston. It was nice to see the old brick walls commanding significance among the modern glass walls of downtown.
2. The Importance of being Earnest!
I a happened to see the famous Oscar Wilde play at the The Lyric Stage in Boston. It was really well done.
3. Movie time!
Watching movies over the weekend- with no one to please or explain.
4. Mean Streets
An early martin Scorsese movie. The most impressive (as usual) is the character development. The characters of Johnny Boy and Charlie played by De Niro and Harvey Keitel are brilliant. A wise and emotional Charlie tries to help his nut case friend, but it he is too irresponsible for that. There are some technical flaws in the direction, sound and camera work but all that is in execution not in the idea. These ideas will be perfected by him in his later movies and would become his trademark style. What is also a very good turn about his movies is his taste in music. I think that hasn't changed over the years.
This also one of Di Niro's early movies and I shall again repeat for the 'millionth' time - he is Wow!
5. Wishlist
A song from my Favorite band and also one of my favorite albums- Yield. I think this was the third Pearl Jam album I had bought. The lyrics are simple and powerful and so is the music- just the way I like it. Wow listening to the guitar takes me 7 years back. I have been a huge fan since then. No other band can take its place. My first love in rock music :-)

I wish I was a neutron bomb for once I could go off
I wish I was a sacrifice but somehow still lived on
I wish I was a sentimental ornament you hung on
The Christmas tree I wish I was the star that went on top
I wish I was the evidence I wish I was the grounds
For 50 million hands upraised and open toward the sky
I wish I was a sailor with someone who waited for me
I wish I was as fortunate as fortunate as me
I wish I was a messenger and all the news was good
I wish I was the full moon shining off a Camaro's hood
I wish I was an alien at home behind the sun
I wish I was the souvenir you kept your house key on
I wish I was the pedal brake that you depended on
I wish I was the verb 'to trust' and never let you down
I wish I was a radio song, the one that you turned up
I wish...
I wish...
Sunday, June 01, 2008
Spring cleaning, chaat and smart reporters
- Spring cleaning in summer! I clean the cob webs, scrub the bathroom and washbasins... The cleaning has been long pending, and I feel much better after having laboured at it, even though its far from done.
- Eating bhel and dahi sev puri at a road-side stall. mmmmmm.... and then having ice cold lemonade at another to give some relief to the mouth after the tangy spicy chaat we've had... Somehow, chaat tastes the best when had at a road side vendor's, rather than sitting in a restaurant or at home!
- Dharana and I go shopping to FabIndia... ah what bliss! I've raved about FabIndia before, but I guess its necessary to say it again! I just love their cottons... they're so vibrant and fresh. Dharana says "I want one of those kurtis those smart reporters wear." I pick up two kurtis and Dharana picks up 3. She's all ready to buy a fourth one when I rush her out of the store.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Love story, magic marbles and almost like being there
- Soumitra comes over to spend the day with me. We have much to catch up on. Its lovely to see how highly he thinks of his fiancee. She's just too nice, he tells me, as he recounts her affectionate ways. And I think to myself, here's one lucky girl.
- 'Magic Balls' - hard but tiny little balls, smaller than a sago grain, which when soaked in water, absorb it and grow big as marbles and look much the same - translucent, radiant and soft. But they're very different to the touch - slippery and slithery with all the water. Papa had bought some and they sit very prettily in a glass bowl on the dining table at home. I find a little boy selling packets of these on MG road and I can't resist buying one.
- As I chat with Tanmoy, he keeps sending me pictures from his recent trip to Boston and tells me the story behind each picture and about all the people in the snaps. Its almost like he's just back from a trip and is showing me the pictures sitting by my side.
Birthday baby, ripe fruits and planning
- The important day is here and there's much excitement. By noon, Gauri has already started calling up those of his friends who have been heartless enough to forget to wish him. And in the evening, there's a small birthday celebration at Yana's Sizzlers.
- Gullu has landed a great job. Way to go dude! You know you deserve it and I'm so so so very happy for you. Sometimes you just have to hang in there and wait for the time to be ripe.
- Planning a surprise for someone and settling down to wait while it takes its course.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Pristine, craft and show it off!
- Wearing my white salwar kameez with the delicate pink embroidered flowers. It's my lucky dress, and I don't really wear it very often for fear of spoiling it. I remember I had worn it for my first job interview (and gotten the job, of course, why else would it be lucky?) But lucky or not, I just love that pristine summery feeling of wearing a clean and white dress.
- Kris is all gung-ho about the 'Home Sweet Home' mural he made at the mural making class he joined. We've been witnessing the daily progress all week, and today the creator presents his finished peice with palpable pride.
- Going shopping after work. Kris and I try to convince Gauri to buy that body hugging T-shirt so that he can finally show off his 'muscles' like he's been threatening to, for many days now.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Recovery, important(?) day and melody
- Because I finally get a good night's sleep, the fatigue that had accumulated over the past couple of days reduces somewhat and I atleast feel human again (though I doubt I look it...)
- First Gauri sends an email: "Birthday Reminder - 30th May is Gaurav's Happy Birthday. You have received this email because you are among those lucky few who know Gaurav. Wishes will be accepted as cards or flowers. Those outside Pune may wish via email or telephone. This is an auto-generated email." Not content that the message has gotten across, a text message arrives a few hours later. It reads: "Hi. how are you doing? I hope you are ready for the big day. The day that brought a new ray of hope for everyone, the day that saw the birth of a legend, the day that marked the begining of a new era. Yes it is 30th May. Please make sure that your cards and flowers are ready by then. P.S. Outstation ppl can convery der wishes by call or email."
- While driving back home, a sweet melody is being played on the radio. Aapki aankhon mein kuchh...
Monday, May 26, 2008
Coffee, movie and dinner
- A nice strong cup of cappucino at Barista. Oh how I miss good coffee! I linger over the cup today, savouring every sip and taking in the lovely coffee-shop smells...
- The Chronicles of Narnia - Prince Caspian. Fantasies are so much better than our humdrum lives...
- Chicken Biryani at George. And mango ice-cream at Naturals (my first this season) to top it off. Contentment.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Lazy beginings, dinner with friends and solitary journey
- The weekend begins. It has been a busy week, so a lazy saturday morning of lounging in the bean bag with a hot mug of tea (the masala chai, of course) and a bunch of newspapers seems like a treat...
- Shenoy has invited us for dinner at home for the first time since he got married. He and his wife Pallavi seem to have spent a considerable amount of time and effort getting dinner ready - there's soup, chhole, rotis and then fruit custard. We spend a pleasant evening chatting and gossiping. The surprise of the evening is Dadu who (uncharacteristically) talks a lot and seems to be in a very chirpy (if one may dare to use such a flippant word in Dadu's context) mood.
- The long drive back home after the evening traffic is all but gone. The roads are empty and inviting and I discover the joys of effortless driving. The radio channels also play some lovely melodies and I actually have enough mental space to enjoy a sing-along.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Mad mails, bang on time and ring on the finger
- A mad chain of emails that has been going on for the past couple of days. It reminds me of the good old days when such madness was the norm rather than a rarity. Everyone's gone quite wild.
- Tuning into a channel just when a movie is beginning. Never happens with me!
- I like wearing the gold ring mom lent me. I only wear it very rarely, but when I do, I keep glancing down at my hand.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Licensed, a thousand desires fulfilled and chai
Clare's Three Beautiful Things, which is the inspiration for this blog has a mention of Life Ain't THAT bad..! today. I'm enormously delighted by the pat on the back. Maybe I'll give one to myself too!
- I have a license. To drive an LMV. No more hunting, pleading, begging for company when I want to drive my car.
- Hazaron Khwaishein Aisi... which, translated, means 'A thousand such desires'... I had watched the first hour of this movie a few months ago, and had been meaning to watch the remaining. Today, I finally sit down to watch it, and by the end of the next hour and a half, I'm shaken. Its one of those hard hitting films which can not be ignored. A superbly told story with a remarkable cast. Simply put, a story which had to be told, and which had to be heard.
- A hot cup of tea. I really like Red Lable's masala mix which contains a lot of herbs with the tea. The aroma is so wholesome and fulfilling.
I'll be there for you, someone's listening and acknowledgement
- Jui tells me she's always there if I ever need to talk. She's worried because I was impatient and easily angered for a few days, and lost my cool at her on more than one occassion. Each of these times, she managed to hold on to hers... and rather than taking it personally, has ventured to ask if something is bothering me. Little sis is suddenly all grown up. This one thing has made my day today.
- There's a new caterer in the cafetaria. Feels good to know that someone's listening to our complaints.
- Shenoy calls up because I accuse him of ignoring me post his wedding. We have a nice long chat.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Blessed, for me and clean
- I get to see one of God's stunning sunrises - I'm atop Lohgad, standing in the midst of drifting mists, getting chilled to the the bone by the cold wet breeze, but I can't move, the view in front of me is so magnificent. The sun barely comes out of the clouds, but makes its presence felt by the various spotlights it focusses on the valley below. There is an everchanging play of shadow and light and enchanting sunrise colours... I just stand there, feeling blessed.
- While walking back, I'm the last person trudging along, and at one point of time, I plop down on a rock, because my legs just hurt too much. The others move on, and for a few minutes, I'm alone in my microcosm. Its a bright fresh morning, I'm the only person in the valley. The gentle breeze and the birdsongs are mine alone... (until someone pops right back in to check why I'm not moving, and I get up to resume my trudge)
- Taking a long shower to wash off all the filth and then falling asleep almost immediately....
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Zzzzzz, drizzle and bags
- Sleeping after lunch on a weekday
- In the evening, there's a breeze with a touch of moisture in it, and carries on its wings that warm heady scent of water on parched earth. I think to myself that it has rained somewhere nearby, and sure enough, only a few moments later, it starts drizzling.
- Finding the perfect leather handbag for mum. We've been looking for one to gift her on her bithday for days now, and the search has been successful and has yeilded a couple of bags for Jui and me to!
Monday, May 12, 2008
A little glutton, a big glutton and roads
- Seeing little Ira's pictures... she's a year old, and is one cute, healthy baby. 'She's such a glutton', dad tells me indulgently.
- Varsha Mami makes such amazingly yummy fish cutlets, I can not stop eating! She keeps frying and unloading them on our plates, and I keep gobbling them down!
- Nagpur's clean, wide, uncluttered roads. They're such a pleasure to drive on, after Pune's chaotic roads.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Mother's love, naturally in love and family time
- I told mom yesterday, that the lady who sold me her face cream told me that I absolutely must buy it.. "your mom will love you if you get this for her!"... Mom uses it in the night and then tells me in the morning "my skin feels nice... I love you..."
- The new Airtel ad with Madhavan and Vidya Balan in which the two play a couple who have to be in different cities for a while. The ad is very high on the awwww factor, they look so natural in love. Oh, and Madhavan looks like a dream...
- Watching 3 back to back episodes of 'Kya Aap Paanchvi Pass se Tez Hain??' (the hindi version of 'Are you smarter than a fifth grader?') with everyone... its a lazy afternoon, mom dozes off, and Papa, Jui and me keep watching Shahrukh pull everyone's leg. And since we're not a family that watches its television quietly, its a good way to spend a summer afternoon.
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Taking charge, Papa's car and taken care of
- Catching a glimpse of Papa as he walks towards me on the railway station before he sees me. And then, a minute later, letting him take charge of my suitcase.
- Driving Papa's car for the first time (other than for driving lessons, that is...). He's nervous, and keeps giving instructions, and I keep telling him not to, but at the end of the short drive, he accepts that I don't drive that bad. Maybe there'll be fewer instructions next time...
- My right arm is stiff and has been aching for a couple of days. Many inefficient massages later (that I give it with no appreciable result), Papa gives my hand a very comforting massage, and it really eases the pain.
And really, these are only 3 of the numerous beautiful things this day had to offer... who keeps count of those that a lifetime contains?
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Borrowed glow, cherries and hunger
- Pearls. I just love wearing two drops of pearls on my ears. I don't know if it's true, but I always feel that pearls lend some of their soft glow to the wearer's face.
- Pulling Gauri's leg. Its all the more fun when he starts blushing and his cheeks go cherry red. The more he denies it, the redder they get...
- Feeling ravenously hungry. Its a rare feeling during the summer, and in no time, my plate's clean!
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Undeniable proof, becoming an artist and move it!
- Kris is getting nostalgic and he sends me a badly morphed photo of Stafford playing in a water logged street during last year's Mumbai floods. It is supposed to prove that Stafford bunked work and stayed at home to enjoy the rains.
- Tanmoy sends me a couple of magazines on photography with a colleague of his. The first phase of reading the magazines which is looking at the pictures, is currently going on... and along with that, I'm dreaming that one day (through some miracle) even I'll take pictures as good as these!
- I finally get off my bum and head to the gym. Of course I find that my stamina is much reduced, but right now, I'm just happy that I've been able to break the ice and haul myself up the treadmill.
No time to breathe!
Participants:- Abhinav Pathak, Shreerang Dixit, Aditi Sodhi, Tanmoy Roy
1. Times Sq and NY Public Library
These are not one of my fav places to go - but then as per the 'Click lots of pics' tourist manual of the state of NY- these are some of the places to visit (along with Liberty aunty and Empire State). Since we didn't have enough time to squeeze out in our time table - Time Sq during the day. Although as per the manual - it needs to be visited with awe and surprise in the eyes during the night, we could only manage to stare foolishly and consequently look happy during the day.
I am no expert but I have a faint idea about excellence, at least most of the times. With a star cast which had well established Hollywood actors and even boasted of academy award winners (among various others) – it was a high 'expectancy event'. The production managers and the director (remember Capote from the movie by the same name?) were also widely respected Hollywood entities. I remember one of my friends gasping – how did you get the tickets?
The play surrounded a distressed situation of an alcohol and drugs addicted family and still proved to be a laughing riot on more than one occasion. It took turns in invoking pity, empathy, sympathy, hatred, disgust … I am running out of words. It lead to happiness for the people sitting there as they felt richer by the end of it. Highly recommended for people visiting NY!
3. Strands Book Store
Before the next show began we had a couple of hours for snacks and visit to what they claim is the World's biggest bookstore. Supposedly 18 miles of books!! I couldn't even check out one section. My friends gave me enough inferiority-complex by discussing literature, I had no clue about.
4. Fuerzabruta (meaning Brute Force)
This was the surprise package. I mean, we had an idea that it should turn out to be crazy and whacky. The only thing which we had no idea on was – the extent of craziness. Well it was again, worth every penny spent. I mean this is the closest you can get to understand the effects of cocaine, without actually taking any. Not often do you see, women floating in the sky full of water, or running around on the walls, or men falling off a conveyer belt, or getting hit by doors and walls (I skip the rest, to refrain from sounding 'amusingly' bored).
We ended the day with a live contemporary Jazz performance by a 'tight' and successful band. What I missed out on the website was a small highlighted notice about the need to call separately (apart from buying the ticket) to reserve a table. As dumb as it can sound- I obviously didn't imagine that I will have to call even after paying for the tickets 3 days in advance. Anyway, as we arrived there – we were told to 'stand by the bar' and enjoy the show. On normal days this wouldn't have been a problem, but given the amount of exhaustion we had undergone- our knees couldn't even withstand our weight for 20 mins. So I used my shameless skills to embarrass the manager till he gave us a table. All well that ends J
1. Brooklyn Art Museum
We couldn't cover much here as one of the morons had to leave that day. We did cover African and Japanese sections among a few others.
2. Roadside vendors/Wall St.
You can't go back from NY without eating at the road side vendors (alas, one of us did). Even though it was chilly – we sat outside and ate. A 'Starbucks hour' had to be undertaken, to kill the chill that had gotten under the skin.
For people coming for the first time to NY- Wall St. and NYSE is a must visit; more so for people belonging to the Finance domain (whatever that means). So we spend some time to look at the old buildings and click pictures (like so many others on the same street), after which it is time to move to Brooklyn bridge.
3. Brooklyn Bridge
As the sun is about to set – we start walking on the Brooklyn bridge. Looking at the activity and the energy on the bridge – it fills us with excitement. One of my friends is interested in a lot of 'solo' snaps. He has his wished fulfilled.
4. Pier 17
This is a Pier near the bridge which attracts a lot of people. A place to sit in the open air, sip wine, shop, listen to music and talk, while the river passes by. With a few more pictures of Brooklyn bridge we come back home.
5. More Books!
Close to our crashing ground, there happens to be a book shop. My friends buy me some (five actually) books as a part of the birthday present treaty. One of them happens to be Ullysses. Now that I have been presented, there is no escape. I will have to finish it.
1. Gravid Water- Experimental Theater
The rains prevented us from going out as per our original plan of visiting the 'typical tourist spots' as per the manual. So finally in the evening, we decided to brave the rains and go watch an interesting form of theater. The concept is to enact specific scenes from various plays using regular actors and some improvisers. The actors have prepared the scenes like they would normally do, but the improvisers, like the audience, have no idea about what the scene will be. They just land up at the scene and start acting. This confusion leads to extremely funny situations as the actors are expected to stick to their original dialogues, as far possible.
Monday, May 05, 2008
Galvanized, enlightened and responsible
- Today, I'm galvanized into action... I make a list of all the things that have been pending for so long, and get cracking. At the end of the day I feel much better because I've managed to finish many of them, and set the rest into motion...
- A very enlightening chat with George - I find out interesting tid-bits about a 'date' George went on, who has a crush on whom, and other such trivia.
- Mum says she's relieved I agreed instantly to accompany her aunts on their journey to Pune. "We'll all be much easier in our hearts if you're with them."
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Cool, connected and Uncut
- Sleeping with the cooler on... while the world outside burns, it's cool and pleasant inside the house
- Finally my mobile phone has been activated, and for the first time since I'm back, I can make calls without any effort
- India Uncut. Where does he find these things???
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
An early bird drank beer from a man on a wild horse
Go to office early and come back early (coming back was just a matter of luck only today. it doesn't happen everyday)
2. Plan Master!
I spend most of my evening after coming back from office in planning for the coming weekend. We plan to go for a off-Broadway show, a dance show, a body exhibition, botanical garden for the spring bloom, an art museum and eat at historical places. Whoa too much for two days. Lets see what all we can actually cover.
3. Beer
In case of an early exit from the office - it is customary for a person to come and open the refrigerator, take out a chilled beer and start sipping before anything significant takes place.
4. The Man Who Wasn't There

My recent interest in Billy Bob Thornton has lead me to watch some of his movies. I haven't had the chance to actually concentrate on him. This is a well made movie. It has this 'there is no hurry' kind of feeling through out this movie, but in a good sense. The commentary is perfectly blended. This comes from the rich house of the Coens. Can't say it is one of their best but yes, definitely intriguing. This was actually shot in color and then transferred back to black and white. What really impressed me is the 'sluggish time' direction (it is extremely difficult to make an interesting movie out of a sluggish plot) and the eye for technical detail (this is my fav topic; my group used to irritated with my obsession about technicals). Highly recommended for people who enjoy perfection in cinematography (a must for Satyajit Ray fans) and good writing.
5. Wild Horses
A classic from Rolling Stones multi platinum album - Sticky Fingers. My personal fav of the album. I think this is the only Stones album, for which I can say I fell in love with each and every song. I remember buying it from a highly unlikely music shop in Nagpur. I think it was outside a stadium, where a circus used to come. I bought on a whim and I had no idea I was buying a classic. Most of my hunches have worked and I have subsequently become a fan of the artists. The other examples of my 'feel good hunch' buy are - Binaural by Pearl Jam, Slang by Def Leppard, The Ozzman Cometh a compilation of Ozzy's fav numbers, Rotten Apples by Smashing Pumpkins... etc. The list makes me so proud of my musical instinct. All of these albums are my favorites for those artists (Well, the best is still Brave New World, but anyway these are close by). It did betray me a few times though- when I bought Greatest collection of Meatloaf. Well no offense, but I got bored by the time I finished the double cassette album.
Anyway - enjoy the Song

Childhood living is easy to do
The things you wanted I bought them for you
Graceless lady you know who I am
You know I cant let you slide through my hands
Wild horses couldnt drag me away
Wild, wild horses, couldnt drag me away
I watched you suffer a dull aching pain
Now you decided to show me the same
No sweeping exits or offstage lines
Could make me feel bitter or treat you unkind
Wild horses couldnt drag me away
Wild, wild horses, couldnt drag me away
I know I dreamed you a sin and a lie
I have my freedom but I dont have much time
Faith has been broken, tears must be cried
Lets do some living after we die
Wild horses couldnt drag me away
Wild, wild horses, well ride them some day
Wild horses couldnt drag me away
Wild, wild horses, well ride them some day
Monday, April 21, 2008
Life is a box of chocolates !
After 2-3 months, the project is over. They say, is it pretty good! Well thats a pleasant surprise. We are not that bad after all!
2. No more smoke
Let's see how long this lasts this time. It has been a month so far.
3. Well, I woke up in the morning and got myself a beer!
Thats a good way to start a long weekend I guess :) Fish combinations, Live cricket, Bud at 11 am ... I hope they have enough of it in Heaven. Oh, wait a minute, I may not actually land up there.
4. Bowl and rattle
Consecutive weeks of heavy duty bowling- 2 hours each. I am getting more and more consistent! Just have to convert the millions of 9s to Clears (consecutive ones :))
5. Airport
Good adaption from the Arthur Hailey novel. Even better with beer and chips.
6. Spray, kill and suck!
Me and my roomie decide- no more dirt! We clean up everything in sight. The place looks clean and homely now, finally. I hope we can keep it that way.
7. Good Bye!
After 2.5 months the project ends and my manager leaves for India. We had an awesome time together, visiting so many places. A lazy bum like me would have never gone to these places if it was not for her. From being good colleagues we ended up parting as good friends :) I see her off at the airport and she is more than happy to go back to her family, friends, home and garden.
8. Botanic Brooklyn
I was skeptical about this one but my manager forces me out of the house. I accompany reluctantly. It turns out, I am more at peace than her. I take zillions of pictures, some of them at macro closeup and requiring 4-6 shots. She tries not to lose her patience, but then I know (I have tested it often) that she has tons of it :)
9. Brooklyn Bridge
A marvel really. You walk on it and feel the vibes. It was the biggest bridge in the world when it was built connecting Manhattan and Brooklyn. Impossibility loses a lot of significance and Human spirit gains reverence as we walk and read its history. It has taken so many family sacrifices, but mankind shall never forget them now.
10 Hunger
The hunger is coming back. I feel like a kid - full of energy, motivation and ignorance. This is a good sign. That's how I have known myself to be, for so many years. I am glad, for a few days in the past week I felt like, I have just started my career.
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Who's missing who, my car and little attentions
- Ananya asks me as I pack my bag - "Are you going to Pune?" I reply that I am. "When are you coming back?" I ask her when I should. "Just now." Then after a pause, she adds, "my puppy will miss you." "And you?"... pat comes the reply "I won't!"
- Getting behind the wheel, and driving my car after so many weeks! Sighhh...
- Shenoy continuously fusses around his wife.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Daddy's girl, misconceptions and Klitus
- Remembering that yesterday, I missed a really imp BT - mum says talk to your dad while I'm on the other call... Papa come on the call with 'heyyy daredevil! how are you?' He's refering to all the water sports pics from Eilat... and sounds very excited!
- Conversation with a taxi driver on the way back to the hotel: "One tourist from the United States, he came here expecting to see us living in tents and riding camels... you have big cities!!" say he... I tell him its common perception in America that there are snake charmers in every street in India and everyone rides elephants. Tap tap tap goes his index finger on his temples...
- I discover that my daemon is Klitus. But do those who know me agree? I have 12 days before my Daemon freezes its form... before that, you all must visit the link and let me know what you think... and perhaps you can find out who your Daemon is, too!
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Keeping score, kiss and walk
- Natalie and Galit are laughing their heads off at some joke. Galit has been talking on the phone, and Natalie walks over to the white board, draws a vertical line and writes '1' on each side. She's keeping score between Galit and the person on the other side of the phone-line...
- On the beach, a couple sits, laughing. The guy says something to the girl and and she leans over and kisses him.
- The clean and crisp night air, and an invigorating walk from the beach back to hotel, breathing it in.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Glow baby glow, squeaky clean and cheating
- Finally splurging on all the Dead Sea mineral cosmetics... my whole family's going to have such glowing skin now, we'll light up any room we enter
- The way plates come squeaky clean when you wash them with hot water and the way they feel all warm and important after they've been washed
- Sitting in bed trying to remember the good things that happened in the day and only wanting to sink in deeper and close my eyes.... then choosing this as the 3rd BT and feeling that mischievous guilty pleasure of having cheated on a test that doesn't even matter!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Done in time, cool elegance and burrrrrp
- Finishing work in time for the evening party, so that I neither have to skip it, nor do I have to feel guilty about being at a party when there's work waiting to be done...
- The party, or the Passover Toast, as it has been officially christened, is at a delightful venue, surrounded by lush green fields on all sides... there are manicured lawns there, with a variety of flowering trees in full spring bloom... a wooden arched bridge stands over a sparkling lake, in which there are swans. There are wicker couches (huuuuuuuge ones!) with the most inviting looking white pillows... and there are plenty more pillows lying scattered around... while there are chirs too, people prefer to use the pillows and lounge on the grass... and the menu - dessert and drinks! This has to be the the most chilled out, yet elegant place I've been to!
- We walk into an Indian restaurant, and are trying to decide what to order, when the owner, seeing that some Indians have arrived, comes to talk to us... he suggests that we share a thali (a full course Indian meal) - "trust me, you both won't be able to finish it"... and he's right. And do I even need to mention how supremely satisfying it is for me to eat a full desi meal after a whole month?